Monday, October 13, 2014

More regular weekend at Budapest

Friday I went again to swim to Margared Island. I went there at the morning around 10 and it was quite quiet again so I had a good training session. Short school day, we had fuel cells as a topic and the lecturer said before he had talked about them even an hour that he don't have anything to add. Just asked if we had any questions and wished us all a good weekend!

After that I went home, eat some and went with one other Finnish ERASMUS-student to Octoberfest, which was held at a park called Varosliget. It was really cool place and the festival was actually in a fake-lake which was dried just for the event. Well its never very deep, probably less than half meters so it isn't so big task to do. There were some different small breweries from Hungary and some from other countries also(Big ones from Germany, Poland and also small(or at least unknown) from Belgium).

Banana beer

Pink elephant(cherry beer)

View and tent of Paulaner

Saturday was just for some studying and taking easy but Sunday I went again to cycling to the Buda hills. The view were again magnificent and I probably was able to enjoy them even more than the first time since the route and the streets were more familiar. Though didn't take many pictures because enjoying the speed.

From the first break before really long uphill

Little tower at the turning point of the trip

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